Near Infrared Sauna

Heat Therapy for Detoxification, Your Best Defence Against the Modern Toxic World

Throughout history, humans have used sauna therapy as a safe and powerful means of detoxification, from Native American sweat lodges to Finnish wood-fired saunas.

It’s been called many things:

  • Heat Therapy
  • Sweat Therapy
  • Hyperthermic Therapy
  • Sauna Therapy
  • Sweat Lodge Therapy

Heat Therapy is simple to achieve. All we must do is raise cell temperature by several degrees for several minutes to activate cellular heat therapy effects. What are these cellular heat therapy effects?

  • Heat Shock Proteins are activated. HSPs repair wrongly folded and damaged proteins and also help make cellular detoxification more efficient
  • Increased Cellular Metabolism
  • Increased Oxygenation

When doing this in the tissues of the body’s core, it activates the whole body’s detoxification response. This is called whole-body or systemic heat therapy. It’s the full-body heat therapy that results in dramatic healing effects for the entire organism:

  • Increased Blood Flow to Tissues
  • Increased Tissue Oxygenation
  • Vasodilation of Blood Vessels, so Blood Pressure Decreases, even as Blood Circulation Increases
  • Increased Production of Human Growth Hormone
  • Increase Insulin Sensitivity/Reduced Insulin Resistance
  • Activation of Skin as Organ of Detoxification via Passive Sweating

It dramatically increases blood-flow to the vital organs and skin, unlocking even hard to reach toxins.

Sweating during vigorous exercise also raises the body temperature, but actually decreases deep organ blood flow, which means very little detoxification takes place.

When sitting quietly in the near infrared sauna, sweating passively, profound detoxification begins to occur. The skin, your largest detoxification organ, is activated as a toxin eliminator. This is in sharp contrast to sweating during aerobic exercise, which again does not result in meaningful removal of toxic organic chemicals and heavy metals.

In today’s toxic world no one can avoid exposure to harmful substances. Sauna therapy is a cornerstone of defence in the fight against toxin related illness and dysfunction.

Benefits of the Near Infrared Sauna Treatment:


A recent landmark scientific study published in a major medical journal demonstrated a significant decrease in mortality (increase in longevity) with sauna use. [9]  Benefits observed included significant decreases in fatal heart attacks and deaths from other cardiovascular diseases.

Relaxation & Stress Relief

Sauna use promotes parasympathetic nervous system activity (“rest & digest” state) and decreases sympathetic (“fight or flight” state) activity.  Saunas promote profound relaxation and stress relief through their parasympathetic effect.
A number of factors synergistically and powerfully combine to produce these changes. Sweating, moving blood to the periphery, Heating the body, Near infrared light therapy, and more are all involved during the sauna experience.
Regular use produces genuine relaxation of body and mind-improving a sense of well-being. Sauna therapy also decreases blood pressure as well as improves oxygenation. 

Near Infrared Light Therapy Effects

Wound & Tissue Repair

Multiple studies show accelerated healing of wounds and other types of tissue injury using near infrared light.  A great example is the use of NIR light therapy to treat disorders and injury to the eyes. Rather than causing injury to the eye, near infrared light helps the eyes heal.

In a scientific study, mice were blinded by chemical injury (methanol) and the blindness was reversed with the application of NIR light therapy.  There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the powerful healing effects of NIR light. NIR light promotes faster cell regeneration and human tissue growth.

Athletic & Physical Performance

Sauna bathing after exercise have been shown to increase athletic performance, reduce fatigue and improve muscle recovery.  Muscle circulation is increased. Innovative gyms are actually installing infrared lamp systems integrated with exercise equipment for an enhanced experience. Growth hormone release also occurs with sauna use and can increase muscle strength.

Saunas also provide many of the same benefits as aerobic exercise. Both result in sweating which provides detoxification but of course, the sauna detoxification is much more extensive and powerful. Sauna use also increases metabolism, heart rate, and improves circulation like exercise but does so in a stress-free, relaxing environment.

Joint & Muscle Pain

Low-level light therapy has been shown to reduce joint and muscle pain in animal studies. Penetrating near infrared light appears to address joint and muscle problems from multiple angles. Hand-held near infrared devices used for pain relief are common in physical therapy and pain management offices. Far infrared does not provide this effect.

Skin Rejuvenation

Care for your body’s largest organ!  Your skin is a major organ for eliminating body wastes through sweating. Most people don’t sweat enough.

Near infrared saunas encourage sweating and unlock toxins stored beneath the skin bringing deeper toxins to the skin for elimination. NIR light easily penetrates the skin, boosts circulation and brings more blood and nutrients not only to the skin itself but to deeper tissues as well.

Near infrared light therapy has been shown to stimulate vital collagen and elastin production. Collagen helps plump the skin, while elastin firms the skin. The visible red and NIR light energizes and repairs damaged cells, stimulating collagen and elastin and returning the skin to a more youthful look.

NIR light is being used currently to treat specific skin problems such as acne scars, eczema, rosacea and more.

Treating psoriasis with light therapy is probably the oldest known therapy for this skin disease. Bathing in sunlight to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis is an age old remedy.

NIR light provides new hope for those that suffer from psoriasis.  NIR light therapy has been shown to help heal psoriasis non-invasively without side effects.

Body Fat & Cellulite

Regular sauna use can reduce overall body fat. Near infrared light has been shown to  decrease cellulite. NIR heat lamp saunas allow specific problem areas to be targeted as needed. (E.g. cellulite in thigh skin). A study involving a group of women riding stationary bicycles demonstrated a 444% increase in weight loss for the group exposed to near infrared light when compared to the exercise only group.   Infrared light combined with other therapies has been shown to be effective in controlling cellulite. Clean-Up & Cool Down After Use

  • Towel the sweat off your skin and shower once home to avoid re-absorption of excreted toxins.

Medical & Health Precautions

 PREGNANCY. Do not use the sauna if pregnant

 IMPLANTS. Consult your health care provider regarding use of  the sauna if you have any type of implant

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION. Consult your health care provider prior to using the sauna if you take prescription meds

Healing Reactions

These are usually mild and temporary. Healing reactions are a feature of the deep healing that saunas provide and are a sign of healing. You may think of them as flare-ups occurring during the detoxification process. Symptoms may include any physical symptom as well as emotional reactions such as fear, anxiety, or moodiness. Common physical symptoms include odours, aches and pains, muscle cramps, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation. Usually, however, the symptoms will be self-limited and you will feel better afterwards.


1 treatment …… $45

5 treatments ……$200 ( save $25 when you book 5 sauna treatments )